Monday, March 28, 2011

Greek Yogurt and Update

To all my devoted readers: <insert giggle here>

I'm back! I had whole-heartedly hoped to post every day, but I have been rather distracted with DONA Doula Training! Friday through Sunday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., talking birth. It was fantastic - I had a feeling it would be good, but WOW - so much better than I imagined! There were 20 of us women (who the sweet trainer, Marilyn, called "doulas" - so great) and we really bonded. I know what you're thinking - but really, we did. We all came with different experiences and from various viewpoints, but we connected over the issue of birth, and it was beautiful. We are going to make a positive difference in the birth world! As doulas, midwives, postpartum doulas, nurses, birth educators, advocates.

It was also a very freeing experience for me, in that - for the first time in my life - I am confident. I know what I want to do. I know that I can do it, and will be good at it (eventually). I feel comfortable in my own skin. Example: When Marilyn asked for volunteers, I raised my hand and volunteered. I NEVER would have done that in the past, for fear of making a mistake or looking stupid. More Extreme Example: I used an electric breast pump in front of 20 women I didn't know. I also nursed my baby - uncovered - later in the day. (This was for the day devoted to breastfeeding.) It wasn't weird or strange, and I felt that I really helped some of the women who didn't have children or didn't breastfeed understand a bit better.  But you know, that's how the whole experience was - we all knew unique information, shared it, and respected one another. It was beautiful.

On a less emotional note - I LOVE GREEK YOGURT! I am new to so many things, and this is no exception. Try it - it's delicious. I'd rather eat this than ice cream (yikes right!). It is different than regular yogurt in that it is thicker, creamier, and has twice the amount of protein. It has great probiotics, and you can get it plain or flavored - I love honey and pomegranate. I've tried Yoplait, Chobani, and Fage and I have to say - Yoplait doesn't hold a candle. The Chobani pomegranate is so great - if you like raspberry yogurt, try this - it's a bit more tart but oh so yummy. Healthy, delicious... you get the picture.

So this week will be very busy. I need to clean my house, organize, work, prepare for a baby shower I'm throwing on Sunday and for my Bradley classes I'm teaching... going to be interesting. But three cheers for a fabulous weekend - I cannot wait to be a doula!!

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