Saturday, April 9, 2011

In the middle of the night...

...I go nursing my baby. Yes, the co-sleeping - not so much. Little Bud kept waking and wanting to nurse, to play, not to sleep. So for the past few nights he's been camping out in his Pack-n-Play in his nursery, and we've been sleeping solo.

I'm grateful that my husband is who he is for many reasons, and I am especially grateful that he is often more committed to this whole idea of attachment parenting than I. He said to me the other day, "Let's do this co-sleeping thing. It will take a few nights for us all to adjust and we'll be really tired, but let's start on Friday and we'll have the weekend to work it out." I'm glad he's here to keep me accountable, because I really do want to co-sleep, I'm just a wimp in the moment - hey, I like my sleep.

So, as we speak, my dear hubby is disassembling my beautiful white iron headboard/footboard and attaching the crib to the box spring of our mattress, which is now on the floor. (This was part of the deal - bed on the floor. I think I wasn't sleeping well also in part to the fact that I was afraid of Little Bud scooting off the bed and taking the 4 foot plunge to the hardwood floor. It was a high bed frame!) Little Bud is sleeping in his nursery again, but when he inevitably wakes, we'll bring him in with us. I have the best hubby ever. :)

Middle Eastern Noodles with Yogurt, Squash and Almonds for dinner! Hopefully soon - it's 9:17 p.m.

And hopefully, a good night's rest as well.

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